PoeMaRío – XIV Festival Internacional de Poesía en el Caribe, 2021

Lilian Pallares and I took part in the XIV International Poetry Festival in the Caribbean, 'PoeMaRío', 24–29 August. I wish we could have travelled to be there in person, but this year it was online instead…

I participated on the 24th August, in PoeMaRío 2021 Recital en alianza con la Biblioteca Piloto del Caribe, alongside poets from Argentina and Colombia, at 10am (Colombia). You can watch it here:

Lilián took part on Thursday 26th in Recital jueves 2 pm - alianza Escritores de Sucre, with poets from Ecuador, Colombia and Portugal.

And on Saturday 28th, Lilián and I were both in conversation with Miguel Iriarte about our poetry filmmaking in Poesía visual: una perspectiva desde antenablue.

You can see the festival live on the Biblioteca Piloto del Caribe Facebook page. You can also find the full programme online: bibliotecapilotodelcaribe.com
